Workplace Slip And Fall Accidents

work place accidents

A substantial number of accidents in the workplace take the form of slip, trip and fall events. Your status as an employer puts the onus on you to be sure that everyone in your workplace adheres to safety protocols and procedures designed to ensure the safety of workers on the premises.

Fortunately, many resources exist to help you and your employees reduce the number and severity of injuries resulting from workplace slips, trips and falls. Should an injury occur seek the legal advice of Michael Herron.

How To Eliminate Trip And Fall Dangers

In order to ensure that every person in your employ has a safe and healthy environment, it is wise to heed the 10 tips that follow. Doing so will minimize the risk of slips, trips and falls each and every day.

First, devote significant attention to adhering to solid housekeeping routines. Keeping a workplace clean is the best first step when it comes to preventing trip, slip and fall incidents.

Always make certain that your employees don the right type of footwear for the work they will be performing. Closed-toe, nonslip options tend to be best.

Urge all workers to remain fully alert during duty hours so that they are not susceptible to distractions that could stop them from noticing a hazard.

work place accidents

Use signage to designate areas where flooring may be wet due to spillage and also to alert cleaning staff that attention needs to be paid to a given area.

Check to make certain that lighting is appropriate for every type of task being performed in the workplace.

Clear high-traffic paths of debris, unnecessary objects and other dangers that could result in trips and slips.

Make certain that regular maintenance is performed on railing, flooring and staircases so that stability is never in doubt.

Consider giving workers certain, dedicated cleanup duties so that there is never an accumulation of dangerous conditions over the course of a day.

Engage in frequent inspection of the worksite so that new solutions to potential hazards can be developed before problems can arise.