5 Websites that are blocked in China

websites which are blocked in china

Websites that are blocked in China

China has restricted many globally used sites which includes search engines, social media and more. The country has created their own websites and networks which are famous worldwide. Competitions, Irrelevant contents and security are the main reasons for the blockage of sites. However, you can still unblock all the top sites with the best China VPN in no time.

Five leading Websites that are blocked in China:


  1. Google (www.google.com):

Google is the largest search engine used worldwide, but unfortunately; it has been blocked in China. Not only the search engine has been blocked, but also the Gmail, Google Maps, Google Drive, Google Photos and Google cloud are included in this banned list of Google. The reason for blocking this site is to bring popularity about “Baidu” among their people. Chinese have alternatively created their own search engine “Baidu” and branded it’s all features themselves, which ease to understand Chinese.

websites blocked in china


  1. Wikipedia (www.wikipedia.org)

Worldwide used an online encyclopedia, Wikipedia is also banned in China. It was partially blocked in 2004; later Chinese Version has also been blocked. As especially the reason for suspicious data and content pages against their political controversies, Chinese authorities unable to reach and control over the data, this leads to banned all versions of Wikipedia in China. In replacement of Wikipedia, Baike.com was introduced in China as the world’s largest online encyclopedia in the Chinese language with over 13 million articles.


  1. Facebook (www.facebook.com)

After the China-Google conflicts, an essential social media element, Facebook is banned in China. Leakage of Chinese data is the main reason of US and China cold war of banning Facebook. Contents were deleted and prohibited by the government. They also restrict different data which do not pertain to their interests. The general opinion of Chinese locals believes that Facebook would not get successful in China. It’s hard for US-based social media sectors to expand its business in China.


  1. YouTube (www.youtube.com)

The famous video-sharing Website YouTube was also banned in China. It was initially banned twice for several months in 2007, but later, it was permanently blocked in March 2009. Alternatively, over 500 million users are a part of Chinese Video sharing website “Youku Tudou” per month. The primary reason behind the shutting of this site is that China government wants strict control over the content in some specific areas, but YouTube was not following the indication of the Chinese government.

websites that are blocked in china


  1. Twitter (www.twitter.com)

Twitter engaged peoples on a public forum. It is a powerful tool for both business and personal use. Authorities in China blocked unfavorable incoming data from foreign countries. Ban services in China have seriously stopped Twitter. But Chinese companies still paying for an advertisement to reach internationally. Weibo is now a blogging platform in China, where the general public is engaged and known to be a combination of Facebook & Twitter. It is used for social media marketing where users around 500 million above.

Reasons behind the blockage of sites in China includes taxes, security and contents. Foreign Companies do not pay fees to the government, but their owned companies do involve in paying taxes. Negative blogging against the government should be unapproachable by audiences. They do not want viewers to discuss negatively about political issues.