The UK after Lockdown- How Tier System Replaces National Covid restrictions

UK lockdown rules

UK Lockdown

As the highest death toll is in England compared to other countries in the world, a nationwide lockdown imposed from January 5 in the UK. Already the set of rules and lockdown restrictions are listed out which involves all the schools closed for all people and non-essential business is also closed during this third tier lockdown period. The UK government has asked the people to stay home and save lives. Moreover, all individuals in the UK follow all the rules strictly.

Covid-19 virus

The rules and restrictions framed for the lockdown reviewed two weeks once and based on the spread ratio the restrictions will be relaxed in certain areas systematically. Most people were asked to work from home as much as wherever possible.

Britain’s government also hopes to roll out covid-19 vaccination by the end of March and ease out the lockdown restrictions at the earliest. The Foreign minister, Dominic Raab has said on Sunday that the main thing we have to do now is come out of this national Lockdown at the earliest.

what will happen after the lockdown?

The Tier system

Hopefully, by March, the lockdown will end up phase by phase through a tired approach instead of doing it all in one big bang. Based on the report given in Sunday Times, it is found that the cabinet has agreed to a 3 point strategy for lifting up the lockdown.

The review will be done regularly and find out the less affected areas, which will then be put into lower tiers with the result of fewer admissions in the hospital or admissions reduced, people between the age of 50 -70 are being vaccinated then there could be a relaxation expected in that area.

Hospitality during UK lockdown

Raab has mentioned in his note that the lifting of lockdown will mainly depend on the vaccine rollout. By the mid of February 88 percent of people dying of coronavirus being reduced and then in later March 99 percent. If this, achieved then it would be good progress and the UK government will think of a phase transition of National lockdown.

NHS Warning against Easing

A recent report found that the PM of the UK has announced that hopefully, there will be the probability of lifting lockdown by 15 February.

Chris Hopson, the chief executive of NHS Providers, has warned the government in lifting the lockdown restrictions too earlier. “We need to be careful about saying that just because of people being vaccinated there won’t be any spread and therefore we can pull off all restrictions on social contact immediately.”

If the government opens up without having driven towards zero virus cases and without a complete good test, trace, and isolate system there would be a bounce-back in the virus form.

UK lockdown -corona virus

Many experts had said that we have to be very careful in lifting up the lockdown restrictions even though people vaccinated.

However, the chief scientific adviser Patrick Vallance had said that the coronavirus has beaten by the vaccines successfully.

Even after lockdown people has to be very careful in maintaining the restrictions individually in order to avoid the spread of the pandemic in a new form and keep social distancing as much as possible. It is better to follow the same set of instructions wherever applicable and possible at the most.

Apart from all these, Great Britain’s economy has shrunk by 2.6% in November with lockdown started in February. However, the shrink was low as considered because the scientists expected it could be around 5.7%contraction.

With the new lockdown from January, the country is still at risk of falling into a double-dip recession. So it is always better to have a careful move in lifting up the lockdown restrictions and increase the process to be implemented for a normal situation to exist in the mere future.