Three reasons why the rise of Multi Academy Trusts is good for your sales team

Three reasons why the rise of Multi Academy Trusts is good for your sales team

In order to enhance educational outcomes and boost school improvement in the UK, the government is encouraging more academies to join Multi Academy trusts (MATs) by 2025.

In an effort to meet the high expectations the government has for them, and provide an outstanding education experience for every pupil, Multi Academy Trust growth funding is already in place, as are efforts to transition struggling academies into larger groups.

MATs have the ability to pool Academy budgets for greater amounts of capital, and enjoy greater flexibility in procurement and purchasing decisions.

What does that mean for you and your sales team?

The education sector is a domino marketplace.

In other words, once you gain the trust of one school, you are more likely to receive enquiries and generate new business from other schools.

Access to a variety of successful schools

A multi academy trust oversees the running of multiple academy schools, and will provide guidance to the individual schools within it regarding any opportunity the trust identifies.

Therefore, by getting the Trust to approve your products and services, you’ll naturally gain access to more schools within the group.

Optimise your marketing budget…

By targeting Multi Academy Trust staff members rather than, for example, staff members from a single primary school, you are able to reach more schools with your marketing.

Optimise your marketing budget

A primary school staff member’s purchasing power is limited to the school where he or she works. That employee may spread the word about your product or service however, this is not guaranteed.

On the other hand, contacting Multi Academy Trust trustees or staff members means you can reach someone with the purchasing power for all of the Trust’s Academies.

…while significantly increasing sales

Multi Academy Trusts, as the name suggests, will operate at least two Academies.

In England, there are currently 1,460 Multi Academy Trusts (MATs) that manage at least two schools.

Currently, the largest trust in the United Kingdom oversees 52 Academies.

If you target a single member of staff at one of the smallest Trusts in the UK, you will at least double the number of schools you reach.

Furthermore, getting the message right for just one person could add up to 52 schools to your sales pipeline.

More Than Words Marketing is a leading provider of marketing data for businesses, education, and the public sector.

The team have provided education marketing and school database services to more than 8,000 businesses in the United Kingdom.

Our list of multi academy trusts includes all the business and commercial information your organisation needs to contact them, make valuable connections and personalise your marketing messages during what is an important time for the sector.

We’re available on 0330 010 8300, or you can email us directly on [email protected]