Start The New Year With Unlimited Leads For Your Small Business

generate leads for small business

Looking to get ahead after facing business challenges in 2020? Thankfully, 2021 is well underway, and many small businesses are looking for marketing agencies in London to help boost their leads and conversions to make up for the shortfalls of last year. Below we provide you with some valuable information about how you can secure unlimited leads and see huge increases in your conversion rates.

What Is Lead Generation?

Lead generation is offered as part of many online marketing services packages, and involves creating a targeted marketing campaign designed to attract a specific type of customer before guiding them through a specially designed marketing funnel. The benefits are limitless – you’ll see great ROI, profitable leads flying in and you’ll also have a content strategy you can use time and time again.

How Do I Get Started?

There are a number of steps to consider when setting up a lead generation campaign, and more often than not, small businesses and budding entrepreneurs will seek the help of a professional marketing agency in London (or elsewhere in the world) to take control of the campaign, or simply help them ensure their marketing efforts are heading in the right direction. Here are the steps most commonly taken when setting up a lead generation campaign:

  1. Set your budget and your campaign goals, including KPIs and SLAs. This will give you and your team a clear overview of what you want to achieve from your campaign, and will sustain your focus.
  2. Establish key buying personas through detailed workshops and research. Having a target audience in mind is key, and will help you to direct your content and other lead magnets at a specific group of people – increasing your chances of getting conversions.
  3. Devise a content strategy and advertising approach, including specific channels, messaging, funnels and outlines for suggested copy. You can create multiple funnels, depending on your budget, if you’re focusing on a number of persona groups.
  4. Build the campaign – write the supporting content, build targeted lists and launch supplementary activity across the channels. You will need to factor this build into your budget as you will likely need various stakeholders.
  5. Test and report on your findings – tweak any content or change your targeting based on a first round of results to ensure continuous improvement.

how to get leads for business

Each of these steps is of equal importance when building your lead generation strategy, as the process will create a seamless overall user experience for your potential customer. In order to secure the most valuable leads, companies should ensure that each step is analysed and completed to the highest possible level, and revisited whenever you have something new to offer your customers. 

Get Unlimited Leads

Professional online marketing services can be found all over the world, and each company will likely have an impressive USP hoping to draw you in. However, what you really need to look out for when deciding who to trust with your marketing strategy is the longevity of the results you will have.

There’s no use sacrificing the quality of your lead generation campaign for speed or a suspiciously low price. As we move through 2021, the competition in every online industry will only get tougher, so what small businesses should focus on is finding a strategy that will bring unlimited leads to keep them ahead of their competitors for a significant time.

how to generate leads for business

Are you ready to generate leads for your small business in 2021? Get ahead and start thinking about your strategy today!