10 Tips to Write an Impressive Essay Introduction

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Have you ever wondered why the cricket lovers have huge expectations from the opening
batsman? Apart from manufacturing and marketing their products; why do companies out there spend a huge amount out of their pocket on the packaging of the product? A well-known saying “Never judge a book by its cover.” And, yet another famous saying “First impression is the last impression”. Why do you go for a fruit which looks fresher than rest? Well, whatever the situation is, whatever the product is, the packaging does matter! It is the cover which pulls attention of the people towards any product. You need to entice your audience to increase the demand of your product. How can you do so? Always start with a spark. A spark that can lit interest among your spectators. Once the interest is triggered, be ensured that half the battle is won.

When it comes to writing an essay, it is no different. It is the introduction section of your essay which can either hold or lose the interest of your readers. Most of the readers read the introduction paragraph and then decide whether to scroll down to read the rest or come out of the webpage. Your introduction should tempt the reader to read the entire essay. Yes of course! writing is an art. But if you know the trick and keep practicing you can learn it too and be the master.

Your articles will have a wonderful number of readers when the introduction is impactful. Here we are, to help you start your dream journey. A journey of becoming a marvelous writer! Take a look at the following paragraphs for ten tips to help you make your essay introduction impressive and stronger.


  1. Stick to the topic
  2. Address the reader
  3. Negative statement opening is a BIG NO!
  4. Convey essay synopsis from introduction
  5. Illustrate the relevancy of the article
  6. Use relatable examples
  7. Follow the trend
  8. Use catchy words
  9. Vocabulary doesn’t define you as a smart author
  10. Triple S


1. Stick to the topic

Do not deviate from the topic your essay is about. What you write, your readers should be able to relate it to the topic. If the reader finds that the first paragraph of the essay itself does not speak about the essay topic, then (s)he would not scroll down further to read it.


2. Address the reader

Remember your school days when your teacher used to take your name as an example in the class and you used to become happy and paid more attention to what she is teaching? So does happen with your readers too. When the readers are addressed in the essay as “YOU, YOUR”, they feel the connection with the author. They feel that the author has written the particular essay keeping them in mind. This creates an emotional bond among the readers with the author. This bond will further bind your readers to read the entire essay.

write an essay introduction


3. Negative statement opening is a BIG NO!

Human psychology always looks out for an optimistic approach. Conveying your message with a contrasting statement is a good idea, but a negative opening statement might not be appreciated by most of your readers. The introduction paragraph is like marketing your essay. You need to develop trust among your readers. Trust can be built on a positive note and with affirmative sentences. So, always start your introduction paragraph with a positive statement.


4. Convey essay synopsis from introduction

The introduction part should deliver a brief outline of the essay. Ideally, when a reader starts reading, s(he) tries to comprehend what the entire essay is all about from its first few lines itself. So, if you convey the summary of your article/ essay in minimum words at the very beginning, you can have high probability of clasping the interest of your targeted readers.


5. Illustrate the relevancy of the article

Apart from synopsis, it is very important to make the reader learn about the importance of your article within the introduction section. How is your article helpful for them? Align the relevance of your article with their probable situation. This will help the readers to correlate themselves with the topic of the essay and will increase their curiosity to read and learn more from your essay. How can you do that? Think from the readers’ point of view. Why did the reader land upon your article? What was (s)he searching for? What was the reason that made him/ her search for the topic related to your article? List down all those possibilities and frame your sentences triggering those possibilities. Once the reader relates your article with his/her situation, there you are! Another reader will be added to your article’s read list.


6. Use relatable examples

Examples always help the readers to relate and picture the situation. In fact, examples are the powerful source to entice the readers. Use examples which are relatable to your topic. It is not necessary that your example has to be exactly the same the topic. But the more relatively irrelevant examples you use in the introduction, more the readers find it interesting to read.


7. Follow the trend

The social media era has increased the Fear of Missing Out. No one want to be left behind.
Current trends act as catalysts in the essay introduction. Add the ongoing market trend in the introduction which is related to your topic. So, when your introduction talks about the trend, this makes it easier for the readers to relate with your essay. They become fascinated and curious to learn more about your article.

how to write an essay introduction


8. Use catchy words

Zuckerberg’s creation has transformed socialization. Or say, Facebook has transformed
socialization. Which sentence caught your attention? Former or the latter one? Former one
caught mine. Do you see the difference? When you start your essay’s introduction with such catchy words and phrases the reader is bound to develop interest to read your work. But don’t make it difficult for the reader to understand what you really want to convey. Use common facts with a mild twist to present your thoughts to your reader.


9. Vocabulary doesn’t define you as a smart author

A reader will lose interest if (s)he finds that the introduction itself requires them to sit with a dictionary. The easier words you use in your essay introduction higher are the chances of
retaining your readers. After all, you are writing an essay for your readers not a Webster’s
dictionary! Often authors do this mistake. Simple vocabulary can be understood by all and
appreciated by all. An author is smart and is loved by his spectators when they understand what he wants to convey. Always write the introduction with words which are easy to comprehend. Essays starting with high level vocabulary introductions are hardly read. Understand your audience and help them understand you.


10. Triple S

Follow the triple S rule. Keep your introduction SHORT, SIMPLE and SWEET. Don’t exaggerate the introduction. Keep it simple and to the point but at the same time make it such that your readers enjoy reading it and it is difficult for them to leave rest of the article left unread.

Next time you write the introduction of an article use these ten tips to make your introduction bold and impressive. Don’t deviate from your topic. Create the bond with your readers by addressing them. Always have assertive sentences in your introduction. Give the reader an idea what the essay is about. Project the importance of your article. Enhance the comprehension capability of your readers with the help of relatable examples. Use the current trends to spark interest. Use catchy, yet simple and easy to understand words. Keep your introduction short simple and sweet.

Break the stereotype of being the next Shakespeare but be one of the kinds. Leave your mark with your impressive writings ahead!