How To Boost Warehouse Productivity?

How To Boost Warehouse Productivity

Most warehouses strive to be the most efficient and productive they can be. Like with most things, this is easier said than done. Operating a warehouse is a complex procedure, with lots of different things happening simultaneously.

By optimising workflows, and reducing waste are just some ways you can help make your warehouse more productive. Below are our top five tips to make your warehouse run more efficiently.

1. Maximise and utilise all available space

Rather than expanding your warehouse, you should consider better use of vertical space. Having taller storage units can help you store more goods without having to invest in a larger unit. You should invest in using various shelving instead of one standard size to ensure that everything has a safe location. 

2. Taking care of equipment and goods

The equipment you use in your warehouse should always be in good condition. Invest in some organisational equipment to help you and your staff to keep care of your equipment. One way you can do this is through custom foam.

Taking care of equipment and goods

Custom foam can be used to help keep both your tools and your goods well protected – this helps to keep them in good condition and can help prevent damage to the goods. MSA creates custom foam inserts that can be used in toolboxes, packaging and more to help keep your goods safe.

3. Ask your employees

If you’re not in the warehouse every day, there might be things you’re missing that your employees could benefit from. The best way to do this is to open up a direct line of communication with them and ask what would boost morale in the warehouse. You should also ask them what would help them complete their jobs faster, and what improvements could be made to make it a more desirable workplace.

There are some things you can include in your warehouse to help your employees, throughout their day as well. Some seats for your employees to rest their legs – as most jobs in a warehouse require employees to be on their feet for long periods of time. In quiet warehouses, having a radio can help boost morale also.

This should not be a one-off thing, this should be a regular part of your businesses plans, every six months you should ask your employees for feedback on the new changes and gather valuable feedback.

4. Prioritise safety

With a lot of heavy machinery and equipment, the safety of your employees and any visitors you may have should always be a top priority. Having rigorous safety procedures in place can lead to a more effective workplace. Not having proper safety equipment and education training can lead to accidents in the workplace and criminal offences if your warehouse is seen to not be following the rules in workplace safety

5. Standardise your key processes

Like in most jobs, there are some tasks that you carry out on a regular basis.  Repetitive tasks should always be carried out in the same way, and should always be documented. There should be a list where whoever is carrying out the procedure can tick off every step of said process to make sure nothing has been missed and can be beneficial for new employees to ensure they’re completing tasks properly.

Standardise your key processes

6. Invest in AI

Technology in warehouses grows constantly, as machines and AI can help a warehouse run smoothly. Machine learning is a popular aspect of AI which many warehouses are starting to introduce, as it can analyse complex data and establish patterns and can identify future trends. This allows for the businesses to make effective decisions in many areas of the business from the supply chain, supplying the raw materials and ensuring the goods get delivered promptly.

Investing in the likes of AI and bigger workplaces can be beneficial depending on your organisation’s size and need. Regardless of your warehouse’s purpose, organisation, standardising your workflow and listening to your employees are just some ways you can ensure your warehouse runs smoothly.