How Much Office Space Do You Actually Need?

How Much Office Space Do You Actually Need

The Key Factors To Think About When Renting A Commercial Property

The commercial property market has evolved significantly over recent years, and so too has the world of work in general.

Working for an office-based company used to mean spending the majority of the working week in the office, but now, with the rise of remote and hybrid work, things have changed.

To remain viable and successful, organisations need to adapt and find new ways to manage their remote staff and in-office workers.

Thanks to these changes, business leaders such as yourself might be wondering if they need to downsize their offices or relocate.

Any leader who doesn’t already have an office set-up for their new organisation, but wants one, might also be considering how much space they need for their team members.

If you’re thinking about how much office space you need, then we’ve put together some key factors to consider when looking to rent a commercial office or move to a new property.

Work Out How Many Staff You Need In The Office

Work Out How Many Staff You Need In The Office

The first step in the process is to think about how many team members you’ll need in the office at any one time. If you’ve transitioned to hybrid or partially remote work, then this might be a limited number of staff. However, if you want to eventually bring back more staff, or host large meetings, then you might need more space. Also, you need to consider that hybrid workers might want to use your office on specific days, so the number of staff in the building will change at different times of the week. Their circumstances could also change, which might mean that they attend the office more or less. So, you think about how many people you need in the office, what changes could occur due to hybrid working habits, as well as how much equipment they require to do their jobs efficiently. This might include computers, as well as desks, chairs and other items that they require. You’ll also need a communal space for these team members to relax in during their breaks. If there is a local café or a shared leisure space in your building, then they can use this, but if not then that will need to be included in the design of your office.

Get An Expert Opinion

While you might think you know all there is to know about your business, fit-out and office refurbishment experts, such as Amos Beech. They have valuable resources to help you learn more about how much office space you need. They can also provide tailored advice and solutions to help you make the most out of the commercial workplace you choose and turn it into a productive and welcoming environment. Thanks to their long-standing expertise in the office fit-out and refurbishment market, they can provide you with practical support that helps you to get everything right the first time around. By collaborating with experts, you can reduce your chances of making a potentially costly mistake. After all, commercial property leases can tie you in for a long time, and if you make the wrong choice, then you could be paying for it for years, so consider investing in expert guidance before you make this important decision.

Welcoming Customers Will Require Additional Space

If you allow your customer to visit your office, then you’ll need to factor this in when you’re deciding on how large your workspace needs to be. Not every business invites customers into its office space, but if yours does, then this will require additional space and facilities. Your clients will expect waiting areas with amenities such as magazines, sofas and water fountains, as well as a space in which they can meet with your staff comfortably. These clients might also have additional needs, such as mobility issues or prams, so they might expect lifts and other facilities. As such, if you’re planning on hosting customers, whether on an appointment-only basis or whenever they need to stop by, you need to factor this in when working out how much space you need and find the perfect commercial workplace. Take the time to explore a range of options before you commit so that you find a workplace that works for both your staff and your customers.

Welcoming Customers Will Require Additional Space

Factor In Company Growth

As your company grows and evolves, you’ll have different and probably greater staffing needs. Your business may also change, and it might start welcoming in clients or hosting larger meetings in the office. Therefore, it’s important that you consider scaleable office solutions that will grow with your company. As mentioned earlier in this article, traditional commercial property leases often lock you in for a fixed term, which often spans several months or even years. Thankfully, flexible workplaces have become a key trend in the commercial property market over recent years, and they’re here to stay following the pandemic. So, check out flexible leasing options and shared workplaces so that you can scale up as you grow your organisation and only pay for what you use. This approach will allow you to grow your business without spending a lot of money on office space that you and your team won’t use for several months.

Conclusion: Every Business Is Different

Ultimately, every business is unique, and as such, your needs will differ from other organisations. That means that, even if your company is similar in size to another, you might have different office space requirements depending on your industry, working policies, and more. When you’re searching for a new commercial office property or reviewing whether your current property meets your business needs, you should think about a variety of factors. It might take some time, but you can eventually find the perfect option for your organisation. Use this article to understand what you need to consider when you’re trying to work out how much office space you need so that you can make an informed decision that benefits your organisation, both now and in the future.