10 Constructive Ways to find Bookkeeping clients in UK


Bookkeeping Business

As many people are interested in starting a new startup business and the UK government is encouraging the higher growth of the small business. In the current scenario, found that there arises more demand for the support of bookkeepers. Moreover, people can start these bookkeeping businesses from their own comfort as a home-based business and earn greater as a full-time income. If you were strong in mathematics and finance background then starting a bookkeeping business would be a perfect choice and the right path for your business.

Bookkeeping Business

Working process of Bookkeeping Business

  • The working process of the bookkeeping business is to maintain the daily finances of their client companies, which includes payroll, paying, creating finance accounts, and issuing customer invoices.
  • Additional to this they are also responsible to check the financial reports and the figures for accuracy.
  • Often the bookkeepers are referred to as accountants where they focus on large monitory pictures and it requires a bachelor’s degree in accounting or finance but whereas in the case of bookkeeping the degree or certificate is not required.

Benefits of bookkeeping business

Implement the bookkeeping business with a good bookkeeper, and enjoy various benefits listed as follows,

benefits of bookkeeping

  • Good Financial advisor
  • Compliant with law
  • Easier to plan
  • Report instantly
  • Good Relation with bank and investors
  • Tax Prediction in a better way
  • Speedy business response time
  • Financial Analysis made faster
  • Make ease of audits

10 ways to identify the bookkeeping clients for your business

As the rules of marketing get, changing very faster it has become a tedious task to find potential clients for bookkeeping firms and make effective growth in your business. The best way to identify or find new clients for the bookkeeping firm is to replace the missed ones with a smarter and proactive strategy. Think for the best approach and keep changing the techniques you used before and always be more focused on finding the clients for your bookkeeping business always be more focused on finding the clients for your bookkeeping business. Here are the 10 different ways to find the client, 

how to find bookkeeping clients uk

1. Determine Target clients

The prospectus of the clients varies from one client to the other and maybe it would be easier for you to categorize the clients into 3 categories as great, average, and better.

Factors involved in determining the client for bookkeeping business are,

  • Level of dealing with the clients
  • Overall revenue they generate
  • How well you can work with them i.e. more effectively
  • Profitability level
  • Positive exposures by them
  • How well they communicate with other great clients

Apart from these, there are also various other factors involved in finding the client for the bookkeeping business UK. However, the major constraint depends on the area of expertise. As a beginner, you may also start a business with less profitable clients in order to build your reputation. If you are specialized, you can charge with the premium rate and it is always preferable to choose clients based on your expertise, which increases your profit and the right path for your business.

2. Partnership with Trusted Professionals

Trusted Professionals

The client you choose may be in connection with firms that offer services that you do not such as,

Even if you do not provide the above services make sure that you establish your business with other trusted professionals who provide all these offers. You can also refer these professionals like good lawyers, recruiter, technology consultant, and advisors, which helps your client a lot more in their business, and in turn, you may obtain mutual referrals from them.

3. Be bold and Ask for Referrals

It is difficult to find out the best salesperson than a satisfied client for your bookkeeping business. Always a better salesperson interacts with other business people and tries to enhance the business. Therefore, it is always better to ask for referrals that certainly add value to your reputation.

Be proactive always and ask your best clients to spread the word about your firm. Try using professional networking services like LinkedIn for recommendations. Provide your existing clients with discounts and benefits as a result of referrals they make for you. 

4. Complementing services to existing clients

The growth of business increased by just offering many additional services to your clients in an exceptional way. If the clients use the same services as your competitors then try to explain what makes you different from your competitor and why they should choose your service. To explain yourself unique you can conduct a special meeting or some professional events to make yourself more effective.

In addition to this, you can also provide various offers as an additional service, which they might feel more advantageous than others can. Moreover, always keep yourself updated.

  • More accuracy and data that is reliable
  • Smarter and fast working people
  • Improved productivity
  • Free benefits wherever applicable

5. Find Effective means of Network communication

Networking phenomenon is most effective in business especially to serve other businesses easily. Before you attend, any event is sure that you are well prepared and know at least a few details of the members participating in the same event. All these would help you to show off yourself and the services in your business meet the requirements of the client’s needs that make them more satisfied. In addition to all these, be sure you meet the key people and keep in touch with those people always.

6. Prefer doing business with likeminded people

When working or starting a business with like-minded people one can find more opportunities and share details related to business easily. Moreover, non-technical events and meetings will certainly provide more networking opportunities. These types of unofficial interactions between the people will help you to form a strong bond between yourself and in turn in all your business events.

7. Business with the same process of technology

With the advancement in technology, more businesses are being moved to the cloud era in recent years. Suppose your bookkeeping business is very well comfortable with remote working then you can find the clients who prefer this kind of hybrid model of work and are updated with technology. If all these aspects satisfied with the customers then there are more chances for your higher growth rate in your business.

Digital marketing is an important strategy that helps in all business activities. In addition, you can discuss some of the technology firms like web designing companies, cloud providers, ISP’s and hosting providers, etc… 

8. Conduct seminars and events to increase your visibility

Conducting events and seminars is an incredibly powerful tool to increase the visibility of your bookkeeping business. Communicate your ideas clearly and understandably to the right people in the right way.

9. Try cold calling and visit the clients

cold calling tips in bookkeeping business

Cold calling depends on your perspective, your level of preparation, and execution. A key aspect of cold calling is that how much (as possible) information you obtain from your potential customers before you start your interaction. Be clear in what you speak, what is their role, and always listen carefully to their needs. This would be an effective method to find the bookkeeping clients for your business in a more appropriate way.

10. Make use of Social Media, Blogs, and Content Marketing

Social media marketing women business

Social media is a great source of digital marketing strategy. If you are able to create content by yourself then start writing blogs of your bookkeeping firm and find potential clients for your business more easily. Content marketing is a marketing approach focused on creating valuable, relevant, and consistent content clearly to the clients in order to drive profitable client action.


Finding clients for your bookkeeping business in the UK is not just about searching for, but it is about genuine insights and clear understanding. Implement the above-mentioned steps to find clients for your bookkeeping business.