Do your employees need IT training and support?

employees training and it support

There are so many reasons why as a business of any size you might need to ensure that your employees get some extra IT training as furloughs give way to a return to the office, or home-working systems are solidified. Whether your staff are working remotely or not, the need for IT training of some sort will almost certainly be present. Maybe you’ve also changed or updated your IT systems and are doing more online business, both of which can heighten the need for extra IT training.

If you have adapted your systems as a result of the pandemic changing the way you operate (remote system technology, for instance) or for any other reason, your employees will undoubtedly benefit from some IT support and training to help them become familiar and comfortable with their new digital environment. There is nothing more detrimental to morale and employee well-being than the feeling of being out of one’s depth. Happy employees are those that feel they are able to get on with their job without constant questions and unfamiliarity with systems. Everything should be clear and well understood, which is often not possible without extra training, particularly where IT is concerned. With many employees whose work revolves around using a computer still working from home (many for the foreseeable future) it is all too easy for them to feel cut off and alone without colleagues in the office to share tips and advice – all of which makes IT training even more important.

IT training and support

Any change in system, no matter how simple can result in anxiety and uncertainty among employees not used to the change, so whether you’ve had a system overhaul, invested in new computers or updated operating systems or simply added new software packages it will benefit your employees and of course, by proxy the business itself to ensure that training and support is in place. This will result in boosted morale, reduced anxiety and stress and manifest in increased efficiency.

One are that has had a brighter spotlight shined on it since the Covid-19 pandemic has been online security. Criminals have had to increasingly go into online crime resulting in more hacking and increased vulnerabilities to many systems. Homeworkers must be familiar with how to access systems securely, especially when working from home and be trained in how to recognise signs of being compromised. They may have to be trained in how to work in a way that is better for security and how to obey new protocols for system protection.

Do your employees need IT training and support

Businesses and employees have a real need for IT training and support that delivers in the key areas uniquely relevant to them. It is important that IT training and support is delivered in a genial way, is highly accessible and delivers where needed. Your IT support provider should always be able to pinpoint exactly where the training is needed and how your staff will best respond to training methods. New and returning employees must be set on the right path to get to grips with new ways of working to ensure that your business can bounce back as soon as possible.