Top 3 Businesses for Investing in Austria

Top 3 Businesses for Investing in Austria

The Most Profitable Areas of Activity With Reliable Payback in Austria

Investors are the type of people who are always in search of more profitable areas of activity. Austria is a country with solid business opportunities. It’s easy to prove by taking a brief look at this region’s Sovereign Credit Rating. It’s the assessment of the creditworthiness of a country, which directly indicates the risk, including political, associated with investing in local businesses.

Depending on the agency that sets the score, the rating varies between AA+ and AAA. That’s a nearly excellent result, showing the minor risks of not having the debts paid back off. It’s evident that Austria is a solid country to invest in. So, let’s check the best Austrian economy sectors to pay close attention to as an investor.

Activity Related to the Real Estate Market

Real Estate, or the Housing Market, is the niche where construction, purchasing, selling, and renting take place. This business sphere is booming in the present day. Its annual growth rate equals 1.74%, and the revenue from the industry is projected to exceed $26 billion in 2022 already.

Activity Related to the Real Estate Market

Here are some pros of investing in Austria’s real estate market:

  • Passive income. Real estate not only grows in its price over time but generates stable, well-predictable income.
  • Tax advantages. Property income is taxed at a lower rate compared to earned income. Besides, owning property brings other financial benefits like deductions.
  • Protection from inflation. Real estate pricing increases over time at a speed that outperforms inflation.
  • Easy to manage. It’s often that property doesn’t require close, day-to-day attention to be profitable.
  • Portfolio diversification. Real property frequently has a negative correlation with other asset classes, which greatly reduces portfolio risks.

It’s also important to be aware of the limitations of real estate market investments:

  • Long-term investment. Typically, real estate is an investment that is held for 5-10 years on average. For some types of people, it’s a big con.
  • Require high capital investments. Mortgage expenditures often exceed rental costs, so purchasing real property is a costly activity. Not to mention that often, purchasing a building comes with renovation expenses.
  • Maintenance costs. As a property owner, you should allocate some funds to conduct scheduled renovations and building upgrades. Thus, your property stays well profitable.
  • Not a liquid asset. Some types of property, especially expensive ones, are difficult to sell at reasonable costs within a short period.

The Field of Tourism

Real estate can be categorized into residential, commercial, industrial, land, and special. Short-term vacation properties, such as tourist places, are more suitable for seasonal investing. Other commercial and residential real properties are a perfect fit for long-term investing.

The Field of Tourism

Austria, with all its influential history, is a highly desirable tourist destination. Doesn’t come as a surprise that its contribution to the country’s GDP amounts to nearly $29 billion as of 2021. It’s a 30% decline compared to 2019, which is associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet, experts tend to believe that Austria will reverse the tendency by 2023 and have its tourism potential regained over several years.

What adds to the high investment potential of Austria’s tourism field is the elevated rate of development within this industry. It’s projected to increase the flow of tourists shortly, impacting the ability to develop business tourism direction. Respectively, the ones who will be the first to invest in tourism in Austria will reap most of the benefits from the enhanced tourist flow.

Favorable ground for investments here is prepared by such businesses as hotel and resort centers and travel agencies. It can also be profitable to invest in accommodation units, leisure activities, business events, parking areas, and more.

Construction Market

The construction market is the branch of manufacturing and trade that focus on building, repairing, renovating, and maintaining property and infrastructures. There are several types of entities that operate within this industry. These include sole traders and organizations that construct buildings and lead engineering projects, which include utility systems and highways.

The construction market mostly consists of revenues earned by the mentioned entities. So, the solid investment opportunity here presents buying stocks of construction companies or direct sponsoring of their construction projects. You may also consider diversifying your portfolio with exchange-traded funds and mutual funds, which allow for minimizing risks of the construction market downtown. It may be also the right call to invest in the suppliers of raw materials for construction.


Investing in Austria as a region is the right investment decision. Its high Sovereign Credit Rating ensures low investment risks. The real estate niche here, as nearly anywhere, is on the rise. There are options for short-term, seasonal investment, as well as solid long-term options. So, you may buy real estate in Austria without much concern.

Tourism should experience a rapid rise over the next several years. Investing in this industry may bring good returns as well. The construction niche, which accompanies the other two, should also experience a positive tendency. So, investment in reliable construction companies may also be the right decision.