More than just a mother: British women yearn for their own business

British women yearn for their own business

“If we do not lift up women and families, everyone will fall short.” As said by Kamala Harris, women should no longer be trapped in patriarchal structures. Women are more than just mothers – yes, they are the ones who birth children – but they are also managing directors, department heads, and founders of businesses. Yet despite advancing emancipation, there is still much room for improvement regarding women in business.

Frustration in womankind

The business survey “British Dreams and Wishes” conducted by IONOS SE takes a look at what is stopping Brits from starting up their own businesses. A big part of the study also explored how women – and those women who are mothers – long to become self-employed. The study found that more than a quarter of Brits are dissatisfied with their current jobs, and the percentage of such is higher for women than it is for men. Is this because women are the ones facing structural inequalities in the workplace, which was only heightened by the COVID-19 pandemic?

To read more about how British women are coping in the current labor market, read the IONOS SE e-book “British Dreams and Wishes: A Business Survey”, which you can download here for free.

The UK Business Dreams Survey in summary

In the study presented in the IONOS SE e-book you’ll find…

  • How satisfied British people and especially women are in business
  • How Brits think about the foundation of a company
  • What British people dream of for their businesses
  • How women and mothers have a hard time founding a company
  • To what extend COVID-19 has influenced start-up behaviour
  • The effect of advancing digitalization and the drive to be founders

Woman on the fast track

Women see a way out of their dissatisfaction in work: The “British Dreams and Wishes” business survey conducted by IONOS SE found that nearly 61% of women would like to start their own business. Yet only 1.7 million of the 4.35 million self-employed citizens in the UK are female. So, what holds women back from starting their own business and what are they longing for? You can find the answers here in the free e-book.

Women lack faith in themselves, not courage

Women seem to have fewer business ideas when compared to men. But are women really less imaginative in business, or do they lack faith in themselves? Women tend to be more self-critical, and this may be holding them back in their business dreams.

If you are interested in what makes women less confident in their jobs and what other fears participants have when it comes to starting a business, then check out the free IONOS SE study.

Lifting women and families

“If we do not lift up women and families, everyone will fall short.” – The quote by Kamal Harris has a significant impact for potential female founders.

The IONOS SE study explores workplace problems experienced by women and asks the important question “Does having a child mean the end of your career?”. What do mothers and the British public think of such a statement? What help do Brits need when starting their own business in the times of digitization, especially as mothers?

You can find the answer in the IONOS SE e-book, which you can download for free below.
