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Now May Be the Right Time to Refinance Your Car Loan

Now May Be the Right Time to Refinance Your Car Loan

Refinancing a car loan is a big decision for anyone. There could be a number of factors behind this decision, and there are no restrictions on when you can refinance your car loan. Some car owners consider refinancing their car loans to save on steep monthly charges. However, it is important to weigh the benefits and disadvantages of a car loan refinance before you make a definitive call, as we will discuss throughout this article.

What Is Car Loan Refinancing?

By definition, car loan refinancing refers to the act of paying out your existing loan with another one. Of course, the new financing agreement has to be correctly gauged for it to make any financial sense in the long term, or the entire exercise of refinancing your car comes to nought. Car financing agreements come in multiple shapes and sizes. Prominent among them are Hire Purchase or HP and Personal Contract Purchase (PCP). In general, these contracts can run for roughly three years. If customers opt to refinance their car while nearing the end of their PCP contract, they will have to keep paying interest.

Why Car Loan Refinancing Makes Sense

Why Car Loan Refinancing Makes Sense

Most people don’t look closely into their financing agreements and end up disappointed when they realize the amount of interest they’ve paid over a period of time. They desperately need a way out of this contract, and this is where refinancing comes into the equation. But it’s not as simple as picking another lender to finance your car.

It’s important to remember that although the new lender may promise lower monthly payments, it could be for a longer duration. This means you may end up paying more interest than you did previously.

Ideally, you would want to opt for a shorter-term refinancing agreement so that you’re not spending too much money in the form of interest. But this could mean paying more each month than you used to. If your budgetary needs require you to seek lower monthly payments, it’s certainly worth considering as you would get enough breathing room each month.

When Should You Refinance Your Car Loan?

On top of factors like overburdening monthly payments, there are a few scenarios when it could be ideally suited to refinance your existing car loan.

Lower DTI Ratio

DTI or debt-to-income ratio is the amount that’s left over when you divide monthly earnings/income by the monthly loan repayments. If this calculation fetches you a positive amount, you have a low DTI ratio. This translates to better interest rates and duration for the refinancing. Since your earnings surpass the amount of debt, lenders feel more comfortable with lower interest rates.

Improved Credit Rating

Similar to the DTI we discussed above, your credit rating determines the kind of loans and interest rate you will get. In the early days of your car purchase, you may notice a marginally reduced credit rating. This happens when your existing lender performs a hard inquiry on your personal credit during the initial loan application process. However, it only takes a few months for the credit rating to rebound to its original state.

Moreover, customers who make timely payments of their dues tend to improve their credit significantly. This is important to remember if you want another loan or refinancing in the future.

How Can I Get Rid of My Current Car Loan?

When you pick a new lender to refinance your car loan, the company will take care of all the technical details on your behalf. However, it is advisable to confirm with the new lender about the fees they will charge for carrying over the loan for you. Take a closer look at the fees (if any) and compare them with what you would save with the new lender. If the long-term interest outweighs the existing loan payments, it’s probably better to pick another lender.

How Can I Get Rid of My Current Car Loan

Can I Refinance My Car Loan Through My Current Lender?

While car loan refinancing is usually done with another lender, this doesn’t always have to be the case. Customers can contact their car loan broker for more information or even directly approach the lender. In most cases, your broker may help you find a good deal with the existing lender, thus saving you the trouble of switching providers. While this isn’t the ideal scenario for everyone, it’s certainly worth considering for users who are happy with their current lender.

The Bottom Line

Each individual has unique reasons for refinancing car loans. The practise isn’t discouraged by any measure, though it may not be feasible for customers with lower credit. In almost every case, a lower credit rating translates to higher interest rates, which can amount to quite a lot in the long run. If you want to refinance your car loan, make sure all the payments are on time so that it reflects positively on your report. Although customers can refinance their cars at any time, it is important to do it at the right time to make it worthwhile.

How to Find a Job Through Social Media

Search for Job Opportunities on LinkedIn and Twitter

Instead of using social media for regular scrolls, you can take it as a platform where you can market yourself and get to find jobs. Having a social media account, you are just one step away from your dream job.

Today the market is flooded with graduates; to stand out from the rest, you will have to find a creative way to apply for the job. It is not easy to get the attention of employers; therefore, the only way to get through is by having unique tactics. Below are the ways you can land a job via social media.

Post Portfolio or CV on Social Media

For you to use social media wisely during your job hunt process, you will first have to develop a portfolio website or even a social media page where you can showcase your abilities and qualifications. Let’s say you are an artist; you can post your art samples; it is a simple and effective way you can market yourself.

If you have a website, you market it on social media platforms so that you can be easily identified. Your CV should cover everything precisely; therefore, you must create a quality one. If you cannot make one, use the free resume builder and develop a professional CV.

Post Portfolio or CV on Social Media

Participate in Social Media Discussions and Debates

Participating in the debates, liking and following companies and job search experts is one of the ways you can impress these individuals. The truth is, it is a hard task as it is not that is easy to be recognized, but you never know who is watching and getting interested in your skills.

On the digital platforms, there are endless numbers of discussions rising daily from different industries. By engaging in some of the debates, there is a day you get a reward that you’ve been chasing for a long. Stay updated by setting the Google notification on debate topics of your interest.

The other way is to search for the debates and the trends through hashtags. It will help to research the topics discussed to be certain of what you say. By having facts on such debates, someone somewhere will eventually develop an interest in you.

Search for Job Opportunities on LinkedIn and Twitter

Develop a habit of actively searching for job opportunities on LinkedIn and Twitter. If there is a platform filled with job opportunities is LinkedIn. On this platform, the jobs are easy to apply for, and you will not encounter complications since you will get some that have an ‘Easy Apply’ function. For such jobs, all you have to do is to send in your resume.

Twitter can be a helpful tool in job searching; all you need to do is to search for the specific hashtags that might be trending, for example, #graduatejobs, #nowhiring, etc. The hashtags will take you directly to the available searched jobs.

How to Find a Job Through Social Media


Social media is a great job searching tool, especially for individuals who have just graduated. Don’t use the platforms for entertainment; post pictures of yourself to gain likes. Forget about being a celebrity on this platform and use them wisely in hunting for your dream job.  

How To Measure and Track SEO Success?

How To Measure and Track SEO Success

SEO will only work for your goals if you set up and analyze the results of your campaign properly. A single indicator cannot measure the success of SEO promotion. Evaluating the effectiveness of search engine optimization often has vague outlines. So how do you track the success of SEO?

What are key performance indicators (KPIs) and why do we use them?

KPI (Key Performance Indicators) is a measure of performance, measured and expressed numerically. It helps to evaluate the success of work in a particular direction. You may also be interested to learn about link building opportunities. The following are the advantages of using KPI:

  • The customer can see the contractor’s work (growth of indicators, budget spending items, quantity, and quality of completed work on the site).
  • Ability to track SEO performance and progress. The optimizer can track SEO results, adjust the work on unsuccessful areas, identify and evaluate growth points for the project’s future.
  • Control the dynamics of the project. The results of working with the site are not always and not immediately obvious. To monetize some improvements requires time.
  • A personal approach For SEO-promotion services, clients with different objectives and business problems have varying abilities to pay. By choosing an individual list of KPIs, you can measure SEO performance and rational use of the advertising budget.

There are several classifications of KPI. The indicators can be divided into non-economic and economic categories.

What are key performance indicators (KPIs) and why do we use them

Non-economic indicators of SEO-promotion

Attracting targeted visitors

Attendance is one of the main markers of SEO promotion. This KPI is suitable for both commercial and informational resources. It can be measured using free in-house tools (Google Analytics) and third-party services. With the help of these statistical counters, it is possible to evaluate the quality of traffic:

  • analyze the audience (gender, age, region of residence, etc.);
  • measure behavioral factors (time of site page view, depth of view, bounce rate);
  • identify needs (to buy/order or get information on the subject of interest).

Visibility by semantic core

This indicator allows you to estimate what proportion of the site’s target audience sees it in the results of its issuance for the promoted list of search queries.

We recommend evaluating the site’s visibility by the popularity of queries. It is necessary to keep track of how key positions change at the top of search results. Furthermore, it is essential to assess cumulative visibility as well as visibility in thematic niches and compare it with competitors.

Top ranking in search results for selected keywords

The purpose of the use is to track which keywords made it to the top as a result of the SEO-optimizer’s work. The more keywords appear on the first page of the output, the better the chances of attracting potential traffic to the site.

You can use the Google Search Console to collect data on positions. It allows you to automate the process and provides convenient reports.

Cross-cutting analytics to monitor the effectiveness of SEO

It is one of the effective tools to measure SEO success. It may be a self-organized system with a manual connection and setup of all components or an automated solution with a ready-made interface. The list of end-to-end analytics tools is chosen individually and depends on the scale of the business, tasks, and budget.

With the help of end-to-end analytics, you can trace the customer’s path from entering a query into the search box to placing an order on the website. This analysis allows you to learn the payback of SEO.

Principles for Choosing KPIs for SEO Promotion

KPIs are picked individually for each site. Here are some principles:

  • Set specific goals. Describe the range of objectives and specify them. It is imperative to set not just goals but measurable goals. With this clear understanding of the objectives, you can set specific metrics to measure performance.
  • Establish the list of conversions. What actions of the potential client will bring us closer to achieving our goals? This may not necessarily be a sale. This can include other actions that can turn a visitor into a buyer.
  • Designate a time frame. Fix the starting point of work on the site and assign reporting periods.
  • Choose monitoring tools. You can get information about the project’s performance through the familiar Google Analytics and paid services. The budget of the advertising campaign usually dictates the choice of tools.

The sales funnel and the choice of KPI

Selecting KPIs to measure the effectiveness of an SEO campaign is impossible without analyzing the marketing funnel, look more. It will take into account the most relevant indicators for the business.

At the top of the sales funnel are people who do not yet have an idea of the site and the products (services) sold there. At the bottom is the buyer (the person who has already performed the conversion action). That is, users at the top of the funnel are much less likely to convert than those at the bottom.

Cross-cutting analytics to monitor the effectiveness of SEO


What is SEO performance, and how to measure SEO success? Hope, we answered this question in our article. Measuring SEO performance is possible and necessary. Regardless of the business’s niche, scale, and goals, it is crucial to monitor its online promotion by several key indicators simultaneously. It allows you to look at the project comprehensively from multiple angles.

KPIs are a universal language that links the achievement of marketing and SEO goals. It allows SEO specialists and clients to interpret the results understandably. If you are tracking your off-page SEO progress and you see a lack of link growth, you can get backlinks from guest posts. With KPIs, business owners and their marketers understand the importance of each stage of the marketing funnel to generate revenue and return on advertising investments.

Using KPIs to evaluate SEO campaigns makes it possible to achieve consistently high traffic and conversion rates, draw global conclusions, and make management decisions that contribute to business growth.

Heat Stress – main problems and solutions in UK farming

Heat stress solutions


Chicken never used to be consumed at the levels we have seen since the latter half of the 20th century. In fact as the 20th century began, chicken was only really traditionally eaten in springtime. Fast forward to 2019, 9.2 billion broiler chickens were harvested in the US alone. Of course, this means poultry production has changed and intensified over time, leading to an array of challenges from biosecurity through to heat stress, and ethical concerns. In terms of the other main sector for whom heat loss is becoming an issue – the dairy sector – this ties in with the climate emergency and the hotter summer temperatures we are currently experiencing in the UK.

Heat stress defined

When we talk about heat stress we are referring to the imbalance between body heat and heat loss. In avian fauna, body heat is related to egg laying, growth and the way the birds metabolise food as well as exercise and in poultry production the heat transmitted by the structure in which they are housed.

Scope of the problem

Scope of the problem

With climate change, the threat of heat stress is further exacerbated and spreads into other, less intensive types of farming, such as dairy.  Until recently ambient temperatures in the UK were not thought of as a threat to milk yields, but there is a growing body of evidence to show that UK summer temperatures can indeed cause heat stress in dairy cows, which will only worsen as temperatures rise.

Heat stress consequences

In dairy farming heat stress among cows can dramatically reduce milk yields and the intake of feed as well as reducing fertility and heightening the risk of diseases like mastitis. In poultry the consequences can be split into three categories: physiological; metabolic and genetic all of which come together to contribute to a reduction in meat quality and reduce production, as well as decreasing animal welfare standards and heightening the risk of disease as the birds become more susceptible to bacteria, toxins and pathogens.

Heat stress solutions

Industry leading biosecurity companies like Livetec in the UK have been researching how to confront problems like heat stress, collaborating with animal welfare organisations and government and leading to the development of some truly innovative products and solutions. The government have also proposed that birds should be transported in a controlled temperature of between 5 and 25 degrees, while journey times for broilers and end-of-lay hens being sent to slaughter be restricted to four hours and journey times for day-old broiler breeding stock to 21 hours.

Heat Stress – main problems and solutions in UK farming

Dietary supplementation and a change in feeding regimes have both been suggested as possible solutions in the poultry sector. Studies have shown that feed with increased fat supplementation and lower protein content can help to minimize the impact of heat stress, while vitamin, probiotic and prebiotic supplementation has also been trialled with some success. One study also showed that reducing feed in broiler chicken aged 4-6 days boosts heat tolerance later on in their life cycle.

Supplementing feed with herbs such as ginger, fennel, black seed, rosemary and dill among others has also shown some promise in helping adversely affected birds to recover.

What is direct marketing and how does it work?

what is direct marketing

Although the popularity of online marketing has consistently risen over the past 10 years, direct marketing still captures nearly two thirds of marketing budgets, worldwide.

Direct marketing (also known as direct response marketing) is advertising that aims to specifically target a person or company for marketing purposes.

With direct marketing, you are able to communicate directly with your potential customer to build a personal relationship. It is a time proven and highly effective marketing tactic.

Which direct marketing channel?

Direct mail

Direct mail is a form of advertising that is printed and posted to potential clients. Direct mail marketing can take many forms, including postcards, letters, and catalogues, to create a strong visual impact that makes your message memorable.


The goal of telemarketing is to sell products or services over the phone. As well as generating new customer prospects, it is also useful for following up on direct marketing campaigns.

To achieve the best ROI from telemarketing requires planning and the use of accurate and well-researched prospect data.

Which direct marketing channel

Email marketing

Direct email marketing uses targeted emails to promote your business, products or services.

In addition to increasing awareness of your latest products and offers, it can be an important part of informing prospective customers about your brand.

Marketing via email is straightforward, convenient, and measurable, making it the most popular form of direct marketing.

Advantages of direct marketing

A direct marketing campaign allows a company to reach its specific audience directly and measure the results instantly. Thus, direct marketing can bring several benefits. These include:

A high level of targeting

Companies that invest time and effort in identifying the customers can realise significantly higher returns. This is because marketing messages can be more specific, relevant and personal.

Make the buying process easier

A well-planned direct marketing campaign can improve customer experience and increase conversions.

Businesses can use this form of advertising to personalise offers for specific audiences. Moreover, direct marketing makes sure that consumers get the information they need when they need it.

A banner ad featuring your latest product requires your target audience to visit your website and do their own research to find out more.

Comparatively, direct marketing channels (especially email and telemarketing) are more likely to elicit an immediate response.

Marketing budget optimisation

When on a tight budget, marketing managers should set realistic goals to increase sales. With proper optimisation, a direct campaign can achieve the same or even better results for a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising.

Measurable outcomes

Direct marketing campaigns are fully monitored and tracked, allowing users to evaluate results effectively.

By using direct marketing, you can identify the best possible ways to attract new customers and enhance revenue.

Knowing what works will allow you to invest more in similar campaigns in the future.

Make the buying process easier

How should you approach direct marketing?

  1. Get an accurate marketing database. Before you begin your campaign, make sure you have an accurate, relevant mailing list. You will get a higher response rate if you are contacting the right audience.
  2. Think about design. Whether digital or physical, your direct marketing message must be designed well. Visually unappealing content will not capture the attention of your target audience.
  3. Call-to-action. The call to action is not only to explain why people should be interested in your product or service, but also what they should do next. Direct marketing won’t work if the customer can’t act on it. Whether you include a URL, an email address, a postal address, or a telephone number, make it easy for customers to contact you.
  4. Follow up. Don’t stop after one direct marketing campaign. Ensure your audience stays engaged and interested by running multiple campaigns.
  5. Offer incentives. If your budget allows, consider including discounts and special offers in your direct marketing messages. It’s a good way to increase responses, and makes for easier campaign analysis.
  6. Track and measure your campaign. Make sure you track your campaign so you can measure its success. Email campaigns make this easy. Data analytics will reveal open and click-through rates.

The key to finding your target market

More Than Words Marketing provides a one-stop, joined-up marketing approach to help clients create, send and track direct marketing campaigns.

You can use our direct marketing database lists to market to your key decision makers via email, phone, and postal mail across businesses, the public sector and education establishments.

Once we have identified your target businesses, our managed direct marketing services create and execute response-provoking email and/or telemarketing campaigns.

Find out more by calling 0330 010 8300 or email [email protected]


Web Design vs. Web Development

Web Design vs. Web Development

The digital design and development world can sometimes feel like an endless stream of acronyms and insider jargon. But the reality is much simpler: It’s just a job. And as with any job, you need to know what it entails before you sign up as a web designer or web developer. 

Let’s face it; things can get pretty confusing when trying to figure out the difference between Web Design vs. Web Development in your CV or job posting.

What is Web Design?

Web design is the process of creating a website from scratch or redesigning an existing website. It is a creative process that focuses on a website’s aesthetic and functional considerations. 

If you were building a house, the architect would be responsible for the building’s design and look and feel. At the same time, the builder would be responsible for actually building it – just as a web designer creates the structure of a website and a web developer builds it. 

Web designers are responsible for the entire visual and aesthetic experience of the website, including choosing the typeface, color scheme, site layout, and imagery. They work with the company’s business side to create the desired user experience.

What is Web Development

What is Web Development?

Web development is the process of creating web applications or pages using programming languages, such as HTML5 and CSS, to create websites. Web developers use computer programming languages to create code that allows a website to function correctly. 

The website’s design is determined by the business needs of the company and the needs of the website’s users. Then, the developer uses programming languages to build an application or page that meets those needs.

How are web design and development related?

Web designers use programming languages to create the visual design of the website. Web developers use programming languages to build the website’s functionality. 

The design created by web designers is brought to life by web developers. The relationship between both fields is symbiotic, and often, one person wears both hats. 

The best way to understand how web design and development are related is to think about building a house. Think of the architect as the web designer, who creates the blueprints of the house, and the developer as the construction crew who builds the house.

What does a web designer do?

A web designer chooses a website’s typeface, color scheme, layout, and imagery. A designer also creates the overall visual aesthetic of a website, including the site’s design, layout, and graphics or photographs. 

A designer also considers how a website’s visual design affects its usability and functionality. A designer also researches web design trends and best practices and stays up-to-date with the latest technologies related to web design. 

A designer collaborates with other members of a project’s team, such as the project manager, to create the look and feel of a website. A web designer typically works with a team of web developers to code the website once the visual design is complete. 

What does a web designer do

What does a web developer do?

A web developer uses computer programming languages to build the functionality of a website. A developer codes the pages of a website by using programming languages, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, to create and integrate interactive elements, such as buttons, menus, and animations. 

A developer also troubleshoots bugs and errors that may occur while a website is running and tests its functionality before it is launched. A developer considers a website’s performance and follows best practices, such as creating a website that’s easy to update and manage. 

A web developer typically works with a web designer to create the look and feel of a website. A developer uses code to build the visual design created by a designer, such as adding an animation to a button or creating an online form.


Now that you know the difference between web design and web development, you are empowered to make a more informed decision if you are in the process of applying for a job in either of these fields. 

Always do your research before applying for a job, and always ensure that you are applying for a position that is correct for your skill set. If you are in the process of hiring for a position, make sure that you are clear on what the responsibilities of each position are and what skills are required. 

This will ensure that you hire the right person for the job and that the candidate feels confident in their application.

Digital Transformation: Challenges and Opportunities for Small Businesses

Digital Transformation

There’s been a lot of talk in recent years about the digital transformation sweeping through businesses and institutions. It’s a catchy term but it doesn’t quite get to the heart of the phenomenon, which involves far more than newfangled technologies and different working conditions. For many companies, a digital transformation is a new way to think about a fundamental business challenge—managing the flow of information and exchange of data throughout an organization—and how to adapt their business model to address it.

In a nutshell, the digital transformation is about how technology is disrupting what we know to be business as usual. Although it’s often used interchangeably with the word “innovation”, a digital transformation refers to a much more specific set of trends: the ability to use networked devices and real-time data to instantly adapt to changing conditions and customer needs; the use of automation to streamline operations and reduce costs; and the speed to identify new opportunities and seize them before the competition does.

The technology is the enabler, but it is not by itself a complete recipe for success. The digital transformation journey is complex, with many moving parts, so it requires a well-defined plan, strong leadership, and perseverance to see it through.

To give your organization the best chance of success, we’ve compiled a set of best practices for integrating digital technology into your business. From digital transformation mistakes small businesses should avoid, to steps you can take to improve your digital strategy roadmap, we’ve identified what you should do to best make sure your organization achieves its goals.

1. Prioritize workplace culture

Cultural norms and values are established at the top, and they diffuse quickly throughout an organization. During a digital transformation, it’s not uncommon for workplace culture to change and evolve. Some employees may be made redundant. Others may be reassigned and given more responsibility and autonomy in their role.

Prioritize workplace culture

The worst thing you can do in advance of this change is to keep your employees in the dark. Confusion, anxiety, and resentment are all potential byproducts of miscommunication. In most situations, keeping your employees in the loop can head off these negative side effects. Giving your team the opportunity to ask questions, offer feedback, and be fully informed will help them feel comfortable as your organization transitions to the new way of working.

Keep in mind that your employees may emerge from a digital transformation with more bargaining power than they had before. If you’re considering a digital transformation, it’s important to understand how much flexibility you will have in the new working environment. This is especially relevant when it comes to remote working arrangements.

Unsurprisingly, the onset of the pandemic—and the mass adoption of remote work and education arrangements—has accelerated remote work trends across a range of industries. If not managed properly, long-term work from home arrangements can certainly strain workplace culture, decreasing productivity and limiting collaboration opportunities. To avoid these pitfalls, you should be prepared to provide new types of training, work closely with your remote workers to make sure they are able to perform their duties effectively, and be ready to scale back when needed.

2. Keep your expectations in check

Look, we get it. There’s been a lot of exciting developments in the digital world over the last few years. Artificial intelligence, business automation, cloud-based computing, the blockchain! It’s easy—and tempting—to get overly excited and expect miracles from new technologies, only to be disappointed when they don’t quite work out that way.

We’re not saying that you shouldn’t expect significant changes. Rather, we’re saying that it’s important to make sure you aren’t expecting too much, and that you’re setting realistic expectations and preparing backup strategies. A new technology that fails to live up to its potential might be a disaster, and you should be prepared for that.

3. Hire the Right People

Sounds obvious right? Well, yes. But that doesn’t mean that it’s easy. Talent acquisition is one of the most difficult aspects of any digital transformation. This is especially true when it comes to hiring consultants from outside your organization.

On the subject of new hires, your digital transformation team is a great place to start. The team should have a deep understanding of the technology you’re implementing, the process you’re using, how your organization is structured, and the goals you have for the project.

Hire the Right People

Arguably the trickiest step in this process is keeping track of what you don’t know. During your organization’s digital transformation, you’ll probably come to the realization that you only have a partial understanding of a new system’s scope, or that you don’t have all the information you need to make an intelligent hiring decision. This is to be expected. You can’t know everything about every prospective problem ahead of time. The best way to get ahead of potential roadblocks is to have your veteran hires onboard early. This way, you’ll be able to identify any blind spots before they become serious problems to contend with.

The Bottom Line

A digital transformation isn’t just a new website or a new marketing platform. It’s a fundamental overhaul of how your organization works and how you present yourself to your customers. Ultimately, a digital transformation is about creating business value. Improved profitability, efficiency, and customer experiences are just a few of the benefits that can be achieved with the right people, the right process, and the right plan.

Moving Your Business to a New Location? Here are 9 Things to Consider

moving business into new location

Moving your business to a new location is very different from moving your residence. It isn’t only about you; it involves many others who have a good affinity with you. So, leaving your business site without having a pre-plan can cost you more than you save.

Here we have shared nine crucial factors that every business should consider while moving their business to a new location. If you can follow these steps, you will not have to incur a high cost when moving your business to a new location.

So, without further ado, let’s get to business.

1. Consider Both Employees and Clientele Preferences

You will definitely not want to move to a location where it gets hard for your clients and employees to find you. In simpler words, your company shouldn’t be in a backward place where it’s not easily accessible.

So, consider both your employees’ and clients’ preferences. Depending on your target demographic and employees’ facilities, choose a location that will be best suited for all.

For instance, if you have a real-estate business, try moving to a bustling area of the city where a couple of companies are already running their business.

It will benefit both the clients and employees in terms of facilities. They can, then, easily find a transportation service for them and fulfill their other necessary needs without difficulty.

You may research these business areas by several means now. Online platforms are a great resource in this case. Just search for “business near me” on the internet, and you will see a directory of businesses around you located in a fixed commercial area.

However, keep in mind that there should be true potential for your company to expand, which means your business should be protected from similarly situated, fiercely competing businesses to make its targeted profit.

2. Discuss with Your Employees

Try not to catch your employees off guard when you announce that the new office location has been found and that everyone must relocate within the next week. Instead, inform them ahead of time.

Remember, since your staff members play a significant role in your company, they expect to be updated on office activities.

They will feel neglected if you don’t declare the rationale for the move and don’t solicit their feedback.

Additionally, it will be more difficult for them to plan for their own future. They must, after all, be sincere about their personal life’s comforts as well.

Consider Both Employees and Clientele Preferences

3. Inform Your Clients in Advance

Customers should be aware of the updates so they don’t find it surprising when you finally move your business site to a new place. It will help them be prepared and keep them satisfied with your decision.

You may resort to a variety of techniques to inform your clients about your decision beforehand, such as,

4. Email Newsletter

You might think emails don’t work these days, but trust me, email newsletters significantly impact handling business dealings even in today’s age.

For instance, one business near me recently launched their new product on the market, and they kept sending us these newsletters from time to time to let us know the launching event date.

And surprisingly, most customers who had visited their launching event were pursued through their newsletters.

So, if you plan to move your business to a new place, let your customers know about the decision through an email newsletter.

5. Banner

I know this is an old trick, but old is gold, right? You won’t have to inform your customers one by one when you keep a banner in front of your office announcing where you will be shifting your business to.

In fact, this technique can allow even the newest visitors to learn about your decision. So, make two banners and feature them on your office’s front side today.

6. Social Media Posts

Another tried-and-true method you may utilize to publicize your decision regarding the new office location is through social media.

Because everybody’s up there on social media, and it is now a popular medium for commercial interaction between customers and businesses, advertising your new office location through social media could be effective.

Therefore, create your advertisement and spread the word to the intended demographic on your business’s Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or any other active media channel.

Keep the Government Updated

7. Keep the Government Updated

The government has a right to know about things happening in its various industries. Whether you buy a new home or move your business to a new location, they need to be aware beforehand to inform any further complicacy aligned with the place.

Therefore, make sure to update your business license and tax entities with every pertinent information you have.

Other than the business address itself, keep the business phone number (If the new state requires you to use a new cell number), lease timeline, and other information updated as well.

8. Change Your Physical Address Online

You must update your physical venture address on online platforms like Google Place, Yelp, Bing Places, Yahoo, HealthGrades, Foursquare, etc.

They are a reliable source for customers to know about the latest location updates on your business site. Therefore, when you are moving your business to a new place, make sure to keep these online sectors updated.

Although updating these sectors one by one might seem time-intensive, do it with patience. Use a generalized location that the post office, Google, and other address entities will recognize and accept easily.

This way, it will be easier for your customers to locate your business rather than stop in front of the wrong storefront.

9. Keep Your Phone Number Active

Customers search for locations either via online citations or direct calls. So, if you somehow fail to keep your current business number updated, you will lose your old potential clientele and new visitors.

So, keep your current number active and forward it to your new number. This will help direct callers to your new location without any hassle.

10. Assess Your Leasing Options

Assessing the leasing options from several landlords is another crucial step to consider when moving your business to a new location. After all, it’s for commercial uses, and you wouldn’t want to risk your business on these terms.

Therefore, reach out to as many landlords as possible and try to understand their commercial leasing terms. Discuss it with the landlord if you wish to sign a multi-year lease.

Establish a clear lease schedule, relocation terms, inspection procedures, etc. It will prevent any miscommunication from arising in the days ahead.

11. Don’t Go Beyond Your Budget

Avoid renting or buying a property that goes beyond your budget scheme. You must be aware of all the additional costs incurred in the upcoming days. So, spending beyond what you can afford can eventually lead you to be in debt.

Therefore, start with outlining a budget plan. Divide the expenses into a few sections: utility bills, insurance premiums, maintenance costs, remodeling expenses, moving expenses, etc. This will encourage you to make wise financial decisions.

12. Hire a Reputable Moving Company

Many trustworthy moving firms are now available that can swiftly shift a commercial space. They aim to assist their clients by all means so that it leaves no room for dissatisfaction.

From office desk movement to the giant conference meeting table, these firms can handle them all without needing an extra hand from you. Thus, when it’s finally time to move your office space, consider hiring the best moving company in town.

However, checking customer reviews and ratings are always recommended before hiring a moving company. The moving costs you have specified in your budget scheme must also be considered. This way, it will be simpler for you to employ the most suitable commercial moving company.

In Summary

There could be several reasons why moving your business to a new location becomes a necessity. It may be because your business has become bigger than before, or your current office lease has ended. No matter the case, when it’s time to move, take every step wisely.

This article has discussed some essential tips for moving a business to a new location. These considerations will make your shifting less stressful and more affordable.

So, it’s now time for you to make your decision.


1. Why do businesses relocate from one place to another?

The top five justifications given by businesses for moving locations are listed below.

  • They are expanding their business growth into new markets.
  • Updating facilities for employees and clients.
  • Decrease extra expenses and boost cash flow.
  • Increasing visibility to attract more visitors.
  • Improving their service quality as a company.

2. How does relocation affect a business?

The benefits of moving a firm can be numerous. While it guarantees greater facilities for clients and employees, it could also have unfavorable impacts if the moving procedure is not planned carefully.

For instance, if you forget to notify your clients in advance, you might lose them. In addition, it could cost you a fortune if you don’t follow a precise financial plan, among other things.

As a result, business relocation might have a range of effects. All you have to do is make sensible plans and carry them out.

3. What do businesses look for when relocating?

When a business decides to relocate, many factors come into play. The company must consider the current location, the layout of the new site, the office culture, and the culture of the employees working in the new area.

Generally, companies look for three things when relocating: flexible lease options, available technical space, and nearby amenities.

Businesses must also consider their employees, especially those who will be moving.

4 Underrated Degree Choices That You Should Consider Taking This Year

4 Underrated Degree Choices That You Should Consider Taking This Year

University degrees are one of the most popular forms of further education, with a whopping 2.66 million students staying in university each year. A broad spectrum of degrees is offered at UK universities, from a master’s in marketing to a Bachelor of Arts. At the same time, all this choice is good; but they can make the decision process somewhat tricky for potential students.

When students choose a university course, they often forget that they are no longer limited to the course options that everyone and their grandma have heard of, like English Language or Mathematics. Yet, despite the current selection, it can be tough not to be influenced by other people’s choices and the courses that enjoy higher global popularity.

However, there are a variety of courses out there that don’t get the attention they rightly deserve simply because more prominent and well-known courses overshadow them. Students probably have a better chance of securing a place in these courses. So, if you’re currently weighing up your options, we’ve listed the underrated degree choices you should consider this year.

Biomedical Sciences

It’s no secret that the NHS is one of the biggest employers in the United Kingdom, commanding a high demand for skilled health professionals. Due to this, degrees involving the study of medicine are extremely popular. Yet many students bypass biomedical sciences as it is not held to the same standard as medicine as the work of doctors and surgeons are attached.

Biomedical Sciences

Regardless, biomedical sciences are an equally important study as it supports the very same work that doctors and surgeons specialise in. Earning a degree in biomedical sciences puts you in a favourable position to secure a job in the biotech sector and support roles in the medical industry like immunology or toxicology.

Some of the roles a degree in biomedical sciences can help you secure a position are analytical chemist, biomedical, clinical, forensic, or research scientist, biotechnologist, crime scene investigator, dental therapist and many more. Science graduates are in demand anyways but studying this branch at a higher level is particularly useful since it overlaps with several branches of science, giving you a choice of pathways to choose from upon completion.


If you’re a fan of strategic thinking and enjoy being creative, then considering a degree in marketing might be an appropriate degree choice for you. One of the main reasons you should consider studying an MSc in marketing in the UK is because marketing offers graduates a variety of versatile career options.

Since marketing isn’t limited to a specific industry, companies have a high demand for skilled marketing graduates to help gather interest in their products, services, and branding. Beyond that, a master’s in marketing can open graduates up to work in other sectors like brand marketing, product marketing, digital marketing, and content marketing.

Some of the roles that marketing master’s courses in the UK can help you secure a position are communications assistant, social media marketer, sales representative, marketing assistant, digital marketing strategist and many more. To learn more about marketing master’s courses in the UK, you could consider visiting the website of providers such as the University of Stirling.

On the websites of providers like the previously mentioned, those who are interested in MSc marketing can find a range of helpful resources to help decide whether a degree in marketing is right for them or not. They also highlight student reviews, pricing, the course outline, and photographs of the university campus, which can influence decision-making. Head to their website to gain further information or consider enquiring if you have any specific queries or concerns.



Out of the hundreds of languages spoken worldwide, Italian is ranked twenty-one on the list of the world’s most widely spoken languages. Despite its ranking on this list, Italian is an oft-overlooked modern language course, with most language enthusiasts opting to take French or Spanish.

Perhaps the reasoning behind this is that most British schoolchildren are taught French and Spanish from a young age, so those who want to continue studying languages at a higher level opt to take one of the two as it’s easier than starting afresh.

Not to mention, the countries of France and Spain are only a short flight away from the United Kingdom; therefore, they are likely choices for weekends away or school trips where these language skills can be put to good use.

Earning a language degree gives you excellent communication skills, one of the most sought-after qualities employers look for in potential employees. Plus, having a second language on your CV is another desirable feature for employers – opening other lines of work for graduates.

Some jobs earning a degree in Italian can grant graduates are incredibly versatile. Some of the most popular are teaching English as a foreign language in Italy, working in the tourism sector and translation work.

Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic  

Despite the courses on the list being underrated, we’d like to think that most people reading this article have come across these subjects before. However, our last course suggestion of Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic might raise a few eyebrows.

For those that don’t know, the study of Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic focuses on a mixture of medieval history, literature and languages that originate from Britain and Scandinavia and will teach some of the skills you’d learn from an English or History degree.

From the historical and cultural views of Anglo-Saxon England, the Celtic language and Viking exploits, you’ll get to study many exciting topics and pore over piece after piece of old handwritten documents and manuscripts.

The only downside to the Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic courses is that spaces on the course are minimal. So, instead of being greeted by one to two hundred faces in a lecture theatre, those lucky few who manage to secure a place on the course will probably only be greeted by about thirty people. This is ideal for those who don’t like large crowds and for sharing notes!

KissAnime – 3 Best Alternatives to KissAnime

KissAnime - 3 Best Alternatives to KissAnime

Alternatives to KissAnime

For fans of Japanese animation, KissAnime is an excellent resource. The site’s main site has since gone offline due to copyright issues. A number of proxies have since popped up to replace it. These cannot be trusted as an official source, so it’s a good idea to be cautious about them. This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice. However, we hope you enjoy the site while it lasts.

1. AnimeLand

AnimeLand at KissAnime is one of the largest sites dedicated to anime. You can watch anime for free. You can filter through a huge database and name your favorite series or choose anime by historical genre. You can also choose to watch the anime in 720p or HD. However, you’ll need to have a high-speed internet connection to enjoy the anime at KissAnime. You can sign up for a membership for full HD streaming.

Another popular alternative to KissAnime is AnimeLand at KissAnime. This site allows you to download anime and manga. There is no need to sign up, and you can view the content whenever you want. You can even download videos from the site that haven’t been uploaded on KissAnime. The site also has a free trial and offers a large selection of genres and anime series.


The site is a great place to watch your favorite anime, including dubbed and subbed series. You can also stream episodes legally without the need for a subscription. Just be aware that torrent sites often contain malware. You should also avoid using torrent sites for downloading anime. Some governments have banned torrent sites. AnimeLand at KissAnime is the best way to enjoy anime without worrying about piracy.

2. Anime Frenzy

Anime Frenzy is a quality entertainment site dedicated to bringing anime to the world. It offers anime-related content in multiple genres, and languages, as well as subbed versions for international audiences. Thanks to its partnerships with major distributors, this website provides media without a subscription. This makes it a great choice for anime fans. However, there are some things to watch out for when visiting this site.

AnimeFrenzy is a website that offers free and dubbed versions of the popular anime series. Users will be able to watch the popular anime series, such as Dragonball Z, Angel Beats!, and more. The service is free of ads, though a few introductory sidetracks play every now and then. AnimeFrenzy has subtitled and named versions of many shows, and is ad-free.

AnimeFrenzy offers an extensive collection of anime series, including anime from many countries. Its database is updated daily and includes American cartoon series. Its content is organized well, and there is no objectionable material on its home page. Moreover, the site has an Android app. AnimeFrenzy can be downloaded directly to your computer or watched on the web. Once you’ve registered, you’ll have access to the site’s chat room and Anime library.

3. Anime Planet

If you miss watching your favorite anime series on KissAnime, you will be happy to know that there are many alternatives available. Anime-Planet allows you to watch free episodes of many popular series in high quality. You do not have to create an account to view videos and can watch them as often as you like. You can search the database from A-Z for the anime series you are looking for and start watching.

2. Anime Frenzy

You can also search for your favorite anime by character, genre, or sub-genre. This website is organized very well, with categories and popular anime shows. You can also search for an anime series using its advanced search option. After locating the video, you will be directed to a page where you can watch it online or download it. It’s also easy to connect with other anime enthusiasts on KissAnime through its chat feature.

Anime-Planet is a free website that allows you to watch and download anime episodes. It has over 40,000 episodes and has an easy-to-use interface. You can browse the content by genre, by movies, and by latest posts. If you prefer free anime, this is a good choice. However, be aware that you may have to sit through some annoying advertisements before you can access the content.