Business Ventures With Short Start-Up Timelines

Business Ventures With Short Start-Up

The entrepreneur lifestyle is not for everyone, but if you are interested in starting your own business then you are likely hungry for ideas on how to hit the ground running. Every month, new companies appear from nowhere which are powered by great ideas and fill important gaps in the market.

Not every business idea is fast to launch, however. If you want to start selling medical devices, processed foods or cosmetics, you will need to have the time and investment to fund the research and development and certification costs.

Some start-up companies do have short turnaround times though, and these can go from the initial idea to launching within a few weeks. Below are some business ventures you may want to consider if you are interested in starting a company with a short start-up timeline.

Offer A Service

Offer A Service

Do you have a special skill or ability? Offering a service professionally is one of the fastest and easiest companies to launch. For example, you could work as a handyman, general contractor, nanny, dog sitter or children’s party entertainer and offer your services online fairly easily.

Of course, there are steps such as background checks, accreditation and insurance which certain services or industries will require. However, if you have past experience offering these services professionally, you likely already have many of the licenses and background checks needed.

Launch An Online Casino Or Sports Betting Platform

Launch An Online Casino Or Sports Betting Platform

Another fast and lucrative company idea is to launch an online casino or sports betting platform. The online gambling industry has essentially exploded in popularity over the course of the last few years and there are now hundreds of online casinos available online.

While the competition may seem overwhelming, with the right marketing, any company can carve out its own niche in the industry because there is currently high demand. Companies such as Gaming Innovation Group offer managed platform, content and media services, which assist business owners with running their iGaming platform and finding their place in the market.

Of course, launching an online gambling platform is a big step to take, but compared with many other online companies, it is quite simple once the most important steps, such as licensing and registration, have been taken care of. On top of that, the online gambling industry is continuing to grow, so now is a perfect time to launch a company in the space.

Start A Fashion Store

Start A Fashion Store

Believe it or not, starting a fashion line is actually one of the easier and faster company models to start these days. If you have any experience browsing through the shops on Instagram, you likely have seen the hundreds of micro companies selling coordinated outfits, jewellery, activewear and other clothes.

The reason fashion stores are easy to launch is that there are so many producers who are currently working on something similar to the drop shipping model that are willing to work with businesses around the world to create certain products. Alternatively, if you have a good eye for fashion, you can also resell items that you have found and create a “boutique” fairly easily on platforms such as Instagram, Shopify and Depop. This is a model which also works well for antiques, glassware and furniture.

Coffee, Anyone?

Coffee shop

While it may take months to open up a café, starting a coffee selling company is actually much faster and, one might argue, easier. It is a crowded market, but if you can invest in high-quality aesthetics and you know what niche you want to fill in the industry, then there is a good chance that your company could go on to flourish in this competitive market.

The coffee bean industry is uniquely well suited to online selling because of the high volume of customers, the wide availability of coffee suppliers, the possibility for niche appeal in the space and the fact that customers typically associate small brands and companies with having a higher value than large corporations.

Think about it – you probably want to buy your toothpaste from Crest or Arm and Hammer, but when you see the well-designed bags of beans in your local coffee shop, you (consciously or otherwise) consider them to be a higher quality purchase than a bag of Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts beans.

Sell Prints

Finally, if you are an artist, an easy company to launch is a printing company in which your designs are printed on posters, prints or greeting cards. Most artists who run this type of business do so on an on-demand basis which also serves to keep costs extremely low.